History · Art · Culture
The Complete Louvre Collection
Duration : Four 90 minute lectures
(each including a 15minute Q&A)
Lectures :
Lecture 1 - Ancient Greek and Roman Art
Lecture 2 - Renaissance Art
Lecture 3 - Baroque and Rococó Art
Lecture 4 - Nineteenth Century Art
Take-Away : Clients will come away with an in-depth understanding of the different artistic periods in Western Art History as seen at the Louvre, and will have familiarized themselves with all of the greatmasterpieces of its collection.
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The Louvre is one of the world's most impressive museums, and its collection of artwork is one of the most complete, spanning almost every period of human civilization. Discover the museum's greatest masterpieces, from ancient times to the dawn of the modern world, and hear about the remarkable artists and patrons that made it all possible.
Lecture 1 : Ancient Greek and Roman Art
During the first lecture in this program, we will discover the remarkable collection of ancient Greek and Roman sculptures, frescoes and architectural fragments. We'll see some of the great sculptural highlights of the Louvre collection, including the Venus de Milo, the Winged Victory of Samothrace, and the prized fragment from the Ara Pacis featuring Roman Emperor Augustus's own portrait. See sculptures from the timeless Parthenon, the world's most famous Greek temple, and admire an original Roman mosaic floor, one of the only remaining of its own kind today.
Lecture 2 : Italian, French and Northern Renaissance Art
Next, we will explore the art of the French and Italian Renaissance, both of which took their inspiration directly from Greek and Roman art, literature and philosophy. See the work of Italian Renaissance giants such as Botticelli, Perugino, Raphael, Michelangelo, and Leonardo, including the Mona Lisa, the Virgin on the Rocks and other lesser-known but not less incredible portraits and paintings. See Michelangelo's slaves and discover the treasures of the French Renaissance, championed by King Francis Ist after having fallen in love with the work of Raphael and Leonardo. Also discover great works from the German and Netherlandish Renaissance, which had a profound influence on French and Italian Renaissance artists, alike.
Lecture 3 : Baroque and Rococó Art
During the third lecture, we will take a look at the next great artistic period after the Renaissance, the Baroque age. See the great paintings of the French and Italian Classical Baroque and discover the great Caravaggio, who invented hiw own violent style of contemporary painting and poured his passion into his life's work. Also discover 17th-century French sculpture and the great project designed by Sun King Louis XIVth to decorate his magnificent palaces at Versailles and Marly, and the age of the Rococó on the cusp of impending political upheaval
Lecture 4 : Nineteenth Century Art
From Baroque and Rococó Art, we will continue on to the other side of the French Revolution, and discover the art that emerged as a result of this bloody, tumultuous time in French history. We will focus mainly on the great painters of the time, including Jacques-Louis David, Ingres, Géricault and Delacroix, and see the great masterpieces of French Neo-Classicism and Romanticism, including David's spectacular Coronation of Napoleon and the Liberty Guiding the People by Delacroix.
We will conclude the program by tying all 4 periods together, to gain an understanding into how each one leads into the other, and provides a continuum of artistic inspiration and virtuosity throughout the ages.